A "Cultural Marxist" Critique of Logos Rising

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This is the most important book of the twenty-first century. E. Michael Jones has thrown down an intellectual gauntlet that cannot honorably be ignored. He has written the definitive defense of logos, and for half a century anti-logocentrism has been the veritable shibboleth of the cultural left. Since the 1960s, rebellion against logos has inspired a whole new kind of politics: “identity politics,” the politics of the personal, a revolution within the psyche radical enough to compensate, some would say, for the conspicuous failure of external, political revolution. Logos Rising argues that the allegedly liberating politics of the Boomer generation represents nothing more than self-imposed mental slavery. Many intellectuals who consider themselves cultural leftists will be tempted simply to ignore this book and hope that it goes away. That would be a very bad mistake. The ideas it expresses will not disperse if ignored; they will gather and spread rapidly. The questions it asks must be answered, not dodged. Aufhebung comes only from negation. It is extremely important that the cultural left engage with this book. 

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Logos Rising: A History of Ultimate Reality


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